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Udemy – Make a 2D platformer in Unreal engine 5 C++

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File Name: Udemy – Make a 2D platformer in Unreal engine 5 C++
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Genre / Category: Programming
File Size : 3.6 GB
Publisher: udemy
Updated and Published: June 11, 2024
Product Details

Welcome! This comprehensive course is designed to guide you through the process of creating an engaging 2D platformer game using the powerful Unreal Engine 5 and C++. Whether you’re a beginner looking to get started with game development or an experienced developer aiming to enhance your skills, this course has something for you.

What You’ll Learn:

  1. Setting Up Environments: Learn how to configure your development environment for Unreal Engine 5 and C++ to ensure a smooth workflow.
  2. Setting Up Unreal Environments: Dive into the specifics of setting up Unreal Engine environments tailored for 2D game development.
  3. Creating Base Class: Understand the fundamentals of creating and managing base classes in C++ to serve as the foundation for your game objects.
  4. Creating a 2D Map with Unreal Engine: Explore the tools and techniques for designing and implementing a dynamic 2D map within Unreal Engine.
  5. Player Base: Develop a robust player base class that handles player interactions and controls.
  6. Animation State Machine: Master the animation state machine to bring your characters to life with smooth and responsive animations.
  7. Building Platform Interaction: Implement interactive platforms that enhance the gameplay experience.
  8. Crafting a Functional Ladder Interaction: Learn to create ladders and other climbable objects to add verticality to your game.
  9. Player Damage and Interaction: Program player health, damage systems, and interactions to add depth to your gameplay mechanics.
  10. Creating User Widget: Design and implement user interface elements that provide critical feedback and control to the player.
  11. Enemy Base Class: Create a base class for enemies, complete with AI behaviors and interactions to challenge your players.

By the end of this course, you will have a fully functional 2D platformer game built from scratch with C++ in Unreal Engine 5. You’ll gain hands-on experience and a solid understanding of game development principles that you can apply to your future projects.

Join us and start your journey into the exciting world of game development with Unreal Engine 5 and C++!

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DOWNLOAD LINK: Udemy – Make a 2D platformer in Unreal engine 5 C++

Make_a_2D_platformer_in_Unreal_engine_5__C__.part1.rar – 995.0 MB
Make_a_2D_platformer_in_Unreal_engine_5__C__.part2.rar – 995.0 MB
Make_a_2D_platformer_in_Unreal_engine_5__C__.part3.rar – 995.0 MB
Make_a_2D_platformer_in_Unreal_engine_5__C__.part4.rar – 668.7 MB

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