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Revit Architecture Beginner To Advanced(Contractor Services)

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File Name: Revit Architecture Beginner To Advanced(Contractor Services)
Content Source:
Genre / Category: Drawing & Painting
File Size : 17.8 GB
Publisher: udemy
Updated and Published: May 23, 2024
Product Details

In this course students will be familiar with the BIM services needed for the contractor to execute the architectural works on site with less time and less cost by providing the construction site with the coordinated shop drawings and exact material take off reports. So first we will learn the Revit basics of how to start a new project, setting up templates, and linking the designed drawings into our live model and creating views and levels, then we will learn how to create 3D models and all the tips, tricks and shortcuts needed to perform the work faster. then we will extract the shop drawings from the coordinated model and we will learn how to create schedules for the architectural categories, then we will reflect the site progress on the architectural model then we will extract progress monitoring report for all architectural elements. then we will learn how to reflect the site progress on the architectural elements, how to export progress monitoring sheets and finally how to prepare the final progress monitoring report . This course is aimed at complete beginners who have never used Revit before and want to increase their career options by learning Revit Architectural. The ideal students for this course are the Architectural engineers, BIM engineers, BIM drafters.

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DOWNLOAD LINK: Revit Architecture Beginner To Advanced(Contractor Services)

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