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Python: 100% hands-on/practical course

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File Name: Python: 100% hands-on/practical course
Content Source:
Genre / Category: Programming
File Size : 2.4 GB
Publisher: udemy
Updated and Published: May 23, 2024
Product Details

Welcome to my 100% hands-on Python course, designed to equip you with the fundamental skills and knowledge needed to become proficient in Python programming. Throughout this course, you’ll embark on an exciting journey through the world of Python, starting with the basics and gradually delving into more advanced topics.

We’ll kick off with an introduction to Python, exploring its history, features, and the reasons behind its widespread popularity. From there, we’ll dive into the essentials of programming, covering topics such as variables, data types, loops, conditions, and functions. Through practical exercises and real-world examples, you’ll gain hands-on experience with writing Python code and solving problems.

As you progress, we’ll dive deeper into Python’s advanced features, including lambda functions, iterators, generators, decorators, and more. You’ll learn how to harness the power of these tools to write cleaner, more efficient code and tackle complex programming tasks with ease.

But that’s not all! This course goes beyond the basics to explore key concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP), such as inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, and encapsulation. You’ll discover how to create and manipulate objects, design robust class hierarchies, and leverage the principles of OOP to build scalable, maintainable software solutions.

Additionally, we’ll cover essential topics like multithreading, allowing you to write concurrent programs that can perform multiple tasks simultaneously, and exception handling, enabling you to gracefully handle errors and unexpected situations in your code.

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DOWNLOAD LINK: Python: 100% hands-on/practical course

Python_100_hands-onpractical_course.part1.rar – 995.0 MB
Python_100_hands-onpractical_course.part2.rar – 995.0 MB
Python_100_hands-onpractical_course.part3.rar – 495.4 MB

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