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Jerry Ghionis – Mastering Boudoir Photography: Insights from Jerry’s Personal Project

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File Name: Jerry Ghionis – Mastering Boudoir Photography: Insights from Jerry’s Personal Project
Content Source:
Genre / Category: Photography
File Size : 529 MB
Publisher: ghionis
Updated and Published: March 27, 2024
Product Details

In this month’s Ice Pick, dive into the captivating world of boudoir photography with Jerry’s personal project set in the historic Cuneo Mansion in Chicago. Jerry’s expertise shines as he navigates the intimate art of boudoir photography, capturing the essence of sensuality and elegance.

Witness firsthand how Jerry utilizes the innovative Westcott Ice Light, a product he helped design, to elevate the ambiance and lighting of the shoot. Explore the intricacies of posing as Jerry meticulously guides his model, ensuring perfection in every shot, where nothing is obscured by clothing, demanding meticulous attention to detail.

In the “Posing & Lighting” segment, discover Jerry’s transformative approach as he turns ordinary sunlight and architectural elements into breathtaking bride and groom portraits, showcasing his mastery of light and composition.

Gain valuable insights in the “Advice” segment, where Jerry provides critiques of Pro Member’s work, offering constructive feedback to enhance their skills and techniques.

Experience the allure of bridal photography in “Ice Queen” with captivating layouts from a recent client’s album, designed by Jerry himself.

Delve into the behind-the-scenes process in “Practice,” as Jerry unveils images from a London workshop, revealing the creative vision and technical expertise behind each stunning shot.

Unlock the secrets to business success with a customizable client contract in “Tip of the Iceberg,” designed to streamline operations and protect your business interests.

Cap off the journey with “Icing on the Cake,” as Jerry delves into the nuances of off-camera flash, providing valuable insights to elevate your photography to new heights.

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DOWNLOAD LINK: Jerry Ghionis – Mastering Boudoir Photography: Insights from Jerry’s Personal Project

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