
GS-CurveTools-v1-2-7 For Maya

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File Name: GS-CurveTools-v1-2-7 For Maya
Content Source:
Genre / Category: Plug-ins
File Size : 2.7MB
Publisher: artstation
Updated and Published: May 12, 2022
Product Details

GS CurveTools is a powerful tool used to create and manipulate geometry cards and tubes (Curve Cards and Curve Tubes). GS CurveTools can be used in numerous workflows, from hair card creation, to creation of complex procedural braided cables and much more.
The main power of GS CurveTools is its ability to quickly create complex network of nodes, tailored for fast manipulation of geometry in a smooth and natural way.
One of the main focuses of GS CurveTools is Hair Cards workflow. Almost every game out there uses some form of hair cards to create complex and beautiful hair styles for its main characters. To be able to quickly create new hair cards, convert curves to hair cards and quickly change its parameters is very important part of GS CurveTools workflow.

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