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Complete Devsecops Training: Land Your Dream It Job

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File Name: Complete Devsecops Training: Land Your Dream It Job
Content Source:
Genre / Category: Programming
File Size : 2 GB
Publisher: udemy
Updated and Published: May 08, 2024
Product Details

Welcome to the DevSecOps complete course, this comprehensive DevSecOps course offers an in-depth exploration of the integration of security within the DevOps process. Beginning with the fundamentals of DevSecOps, the course introduces learners to key concepts such as the Shift-Left approach, the role of security in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), and the benefits of early security integration. It progresses into essential version control systems skills, including Git setup and usage, branching strategies, and CI/CD foundations using GitHub Actions.The course delves into advanced topics like threat modeling with various frameworks, secure coding practices to prevent common vulnerabilities like injection flaws and cross-site scripting, and infrastructure as code (IaC) for managing and securing configurations. It also covers compliance automation and Docker’s role in DevSecOps, providing hands-on experience with Docker images, containers, and compose functionalities.Furthermore, Ansible is thoroughly explored, from installation to crafting advanced playbooks, equipping participants with the skills to manage infrastructure as code effectively. Each section is designed to build upon the previous, ensuring a structured learning path from basic principles to advanced practices in DevSecOps. This course is ideal for IT professionals, security specialists, and developers looking to integrate security into their DevOps practices.Enroll Now !

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