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Object Oriented Programming Using Python : Beginner To Pro

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File Name: Object Oriented Programming Using Python : Beginner To Pro
Content Source:
Genre / Category: Programming
File Size : 446 MB
Publisher: udemy
Updated and Published: March 15, 2024
Product Details

In this course, we’ll explore a fun way to write computer programs called ‘object-oriented programming’ or ‘OOP’. Think of it like building with blocks. Each block is like a special thing called an ‘object’. We’ll start with the basics. We’ll learn what objects and classes are. Objects are like the things around us, like a car or a cat. Classes are like blueprints for making those things. We’ll learn how to make our own objects and use them to solve problems.One cool thing we’ll learn is called ‘inheritance’. It’s like passing down traits from parents to children. In programming, it means we can reuse code from one class in another class. This makes our programs easier to understand and saves us time.We’ll also learn about ‘encapsulation’. It’s like putting things in a box. We’ll keep some things hidden inside our objects and only show what’s necessary. This makes our programs safer and easier to use.By the end of the course, you’ll be able to create your own programs using OOP. You’ll be able to make things like a pretend ATM machine, where you can deposit and withdraw money. You’ll also be able to model real-world things like cars and animals.So, if you want to become a better programmer and build cool stuff, this course is for you! Get ready to have fun and learn some awesome new skills!

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DOWNLOAD LINK: Object Oriented Programming Using Python : Beginner To Pro

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