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Studio Photography for Beginners

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File Name: Studio Photography for Beginners
Content Source:
Genre / Category: Photography
File Size : 4.1 GB
Publisher: udemy
Updated and Published: May 9, 2024
Product Details

Have you always wanted to learn studio photography but had no idea where to start?  Then you’ve come to the right place.

This course will teach you everything you need to know about studio photography and also enable you to set up a budget studio right inside your own house.

In this course, we start off by learning about all the essential equipment that you would require in your studio.

Then we dive into each equipment (like strobe lights, modifiers, etc) and learn about them individually so you understand their purpose.

Then we get into the fun part where you start learning about all the settings in your camera that you need to use for studio photography. We discuss the ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed and White Balance that you would need to use for studio photography.

From there on, we move towards understanding light and how to modify it. We learn about things like the Inverse Square Law of Light and how to turn hard light into soft light by using different types of modifiers.

We also cover different light set-ups like the one-light, two-light, three-light and four-light set ups so you can achieve any kind of studio portrait you want. We also see how to combine strobe lights with speedlites.

We also look at very cool and dramatic studio lighting techniques like high-key, low-key and color gels photography.

We round off things by going through some of the basic editing practices for your studio portraits.

You also get a document which has the list of all the equipment and accessories shown in the course so you don’t have to research things on your own. Even the links to buy these online are given in this document so you’ll end up saving a lot of time and effort.

Once you go through this course you’ll even find that, to start out, you don’t even need most of the equipment. Even if you have got just a camera and an external flash/speedlite, you can get started.

Also, you don’t have to have any prior extensive knowledge of photography or even the manual mode settings because we have created this course in such a way that it’s perfect even for a complete beginner.

So here’s hoping that you will decide to take indulge in this beautiful experience of learning studio photography. We wish you all the luck in your journey!

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DOWNLOAD LINK: Studio Photography for Beginners

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