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ChatGPT for Python Data Science and Machine Learning

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File Name: ChatGPT for Python Data Science and Machine Learning
Content Source:
Genre / Category: Programming
File Size : 6.1 GB
Publisher: udemy
Updated and Published: March 11, 2024
Product Details

Master Data Analysis, Regression, Classification, Clustering and Pandas Coding with ChatGTP! A Project-based Course.

Welcome to the first Data Science and Machine Learning course with ChatGPT. Learn how to use ChatGPT to master complex Data Science and Machine Learning real-life projects in no time!

Why is this a game-changing course?

Real-world Data Science and Machine Learning projects require a solid background in advanced statistics and Data Analytics. And it would be best if you were a proficient Python Coder. Do you want to learn how to master complex Data Science projects without the need to study and master all the required basics (which takes dozens if not hundreds of hours)? Then this is the perfect course for you

What you can do at the end of the course:

At the end of this course, you will know and understand all strategies and techniques to master complex Data Science and Machine Learning projects with the help of ChatGPT! And you don´t have to be a Data Science or Python Coding expert! Use ChatGPT as your assistant and let ChatGPT do the hard work for you! Use ChatGPT for

  1. the theoretical part
  2. Python coding
  3. evaluating and interpreting coding and ML results

This course teaches prompting strategies and techniques and provides dozens of ChatGPT sample prompts to

  • load, initially inspect, and understand unknown datasets
  • clean and process raw datasets with Pandas
  • manipulate, aggregate, and visualize datasets with Pandas and matplotlib
  • perform an extensive Explanatory Data Analysis (EDA) for complex datasets
  • use advanced statistics, multiple regression analysis, and hypothesis testing to gain further insights
  • select the most suitable Machine Learning Model for your prediction tasks (Model Selection)
  • evaluate and interpret the performance of your Machine Learning models (Performance Evaluation)
  • optimize your models via handling Class Imbalance, Hyperparameter Tuning & more.
  • evaluate and interpret the results and findings of your predictions to solve real-world business problems
  • master regression, classification, and unsupervised learning/clustering projects
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DOWNLOAD LINK: ChatGPT for Python Data Science and Machine Learning

ChtGPT_for_Python_Dt_Science_nd_Mchine_Lerning.prt1.rar – 995.0 MB
ChtGPT_for_Python_Dt_Science_nd_Mchine_Lerning.prt2.rar – 995.0 MB
ChtGPT_for_Python_Dt_Science_nd_Mchine_Lerning.prt3.rar – 995.0 MB
ChtGPT_for_Python_Dt_Science_nd_Mchine_Lerning.prt4.rar – 995.0 MB
ChtGPT_for_Python_Dt_Science_nd_Mchine_Lerning.prt5.rar – 995.0 MB
ChtGPT_for_Python_Dt_Science_nd_Mchine_Lerning.prt6.rar – 995.0 MB
ChtGPT_for_Python_Dt_Science_nd_Mchine_Lerning.prt7.rar – 137.2 MB

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